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101 IT Terms - Glossary of Technologies, Programming Languages, Tools. Do You Know Them All?

How many technologies do you work with daily? What languages and tools do you use for your work? Have you ever tried to count them? It would definitely add up to a nice number.

We have compiled a glossary of programming languages, tools, and technologies that we frequently encounter in the field of software development. Whether you are just peeking into the IT world or starting to collaborate with IT specialists in your profession, we believe that this glossary will be a useful aid. It will help you navigate and better understand your colleagues :). Enjoy reading.

  1. Open Source Software - Software whose source code is publicly available and can be modified, used, and distributed for free under a license that allows sharing.
  2. Java - A general-purpose, object-oriented programming language known for its portability across platforms thanks to the JVM (Java Virtual Machine).
  3. Python - A versatile and popular high-level programming language known for its readability and a wide range of libraries.
  4. .NET Core - An open-source framework from Microsoft for building cross-platform applications.
  5. JavaScript - A scripting language primarily used for web development, running on both the client and server sides (Node.js).
  6. Angular - A web application framework developed by Google.
  7. React - A library for building user interfaces developed by Facebook.
  8. Kubernetes - An open-source system for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
  9. Docker - A platform for creating, deploying, and managing containerized applications, facilitating the creation of isolated environments.
  10. AWS - A comprehensive cloud platform offering a wide range of services such as computing power, storage, databases, and more for scalable and reliable applications.
  11. Azure - A cloud platform from Microsoft providing a broad spectrum of services for computing, storage, databases, and AI, with good integration with other Microsoft products.
  12. DevOps - A set of practices for automating and streamlining processes between development and operations teams.
  13. Git - A distributed version control system that allows tracking changes in code and collaborating on projects. A fundamental tool for modern software development.
  14. Node.js - A JavaScript runtime for developing server-side applications outside the browser, known for its high performance and asynchronous I/O processing.
  15. Spring Boot - A framework for developing Java applications that simplifies the creation of production-ready applications.
  16. Microservices - An architectural style that divides applications into small, independent services communicating via APIs, enabling flexibility and scalability.
  17. Selenium - An open-source tool for automated testing of web applications, supporting various browsers and programming languages.
  18. Jenkins - An open-source automation server widely used for continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) of software projects.
  19. Terraform - An infrastructure as code tool for managing cloud infrastructure.
  20. Ansible - An automation tool for configuration management and system administration.
  21. REST - An architectural style for designing web services based on HTTP.
  22. SQL - Structured Query Language for working with relational databases.
  23. TypeScript - A superset of JavaScript with added static types, developed by Microsoft.
  24. NoSQL - A type of database that is not based on SQL, often used for large and distributed data sets.
  25. MongoDB - A document-oriented NoSQL database.
  26. ElasticSearch - A distributed search and analytics engine designed for processing large volumes of data in real-time.
  27. GraphQL - A query language for APIs that allows precise definition of the structure of requested data.
  28. Redux - A library for state management in JavaScript applications, often used with React.
  29. C# - An object-oriented language developed by Microsoft, often used for developing applications on the .NET platform.
  30. Maven - A project management tool for Java that simplifies building, dependencies, and documentation.
  31. Hibernate - An object-relational mapping framework for Java that simplifies database interactions.
  32. PostgreSQL - An advanced open-source relational database system emphasizing extensibility and adherence to SQL standards.
  33. Kafka - A platform for real-time data streaming.
  34. CI/CD - (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) a methodology and set of practices used in software development for automating and streamlining the process of integrating, testing, and deploying code.
  35. Redis - An in-memory data structure store for fast data storage and retrieval.
  36. Swagger - A tool for documenting and testing RESTful APIs.
  37. MySQL - An open-source relational database widely used in web applications.
  38. Vue.js - A progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces.
  39. PHP - A server-side scripting language for creating dynamic web applications.
  40. Laravel - A PHP framework focused on simplicity, clarity, and elegant syntax.
  41. Machine Learning - Algorithms that allow computers to learn and make predictions based on data.
  42. Artificial Intelligence - Technology for creating intelligent tools capable of human-like tasks.
  43. Salesforce - A cloud platform for customer relationship management (CRM).
  44. SOAP - A protocol for exchanging structured information in the context of distributed applications.
  45. PL/SQL - A procedural language for working with Oracle databases.
  46. Oracle - A commercial relational database known for its scalability and features.
  47. Business Intelligence - The collection, analysis, and presentation of data for decision-making in an organization.
  48. SAP - Enterprise software for managing processes, finances, and human resources.
  49. Scrum - An agile methodology for iterative project development.
  50. JIRA - A tool for project management and task tracking.
  51. CSS - Also known as "Cascading Style Sheets," a language that describes the presentation of elements on pages written in HTML, XHTML, and XML.
  52. SASS - A compiled language that extends CSS with features like variables and nested rules, loops, etc.
  53. HTML - A markup language for creating web pages.
  54. Linux - An open-source operating system for servers and development.
  55. Ruby - A dynamic, object-oriented language known for its simplicity and elegance.
  56. Golang - A compiled language developed by Google, designed for simplicity and performance.
  57. PowerShell - A scripting language and automation framework.
  58. Xamarin - A framework for developing mobile applications on the .NET platform.
  59. Django - A web framework for Python that supports rapid development and clean design.
  60. JUnit - A testing framework for Java.
  61. NUnit - A testing framework for .NET.
  62. Cypress - A testing framework for web applications.
  63. Appium - An open-source tool for automating mobile applications.
  64. Groovy - A dynamic language running on the Java Virtual Machine, often used for scripting and automation.
  65. GraphQL - A query language for efficient data manipulation.
  66. Grafana - An open-source tool for metric visualization and monitoring.
  67. SonarQube - A platform for static code analysis and quality checks.
  68. Prometheus - A system for monitoring and collecting metrics, optimized for cloud environments.
  69. OpenShift - A platform for managing containerized applications, based on Kubernetes.
  70. Android - Mobile operating systems for smartphones and tablets.
  71. iOS - Mobile operating systems for smartphones and tablets from Apple.
  72. Swift - A programming language from Apple for developing iOS and macOS applications.
  73. Kotlin - A statically-typed language running on the Java Virtual Machine, often used for Android development.
  74. WebAPI - A set of rules and protocols for communication between software.
  75. Flask - A lightweight web framework for Python.
  76. Spark - A framework for distributed computing, optimized for large data sets.
  77. Hadoop - An open-source framework for distributed storage and processing of large data sets.
  78. Tableau - Tools for data visualization and business intelligence.
  79. PowerBI - A business intelligence platform from Microsoft that allows users to visualize and analyze data from various sources.
  80. Puppet - A tool for configuration management and IT infrastructure automation.
  81. Chef - An automation tool for configuration management and application deployment.
  82. GitLab - A platform for DevOps providing Git repositories, CI/CD, project planning, and monitoring.
  83. Bamboo - A CI/CD server from Atlassian.
  84. TeamCity - A CI/CD server from JetBrains.
  85. F# - A functional language running on the .NET platform, focused on simplicity and expressiveness.
  86. Perl - A dynamic programming language used for text processing and system administration.
  87. R - A language and environment for statistical computing and graphics.
  88. Matlab - A powerful programming language and interactive environment for numerical computation and visualization.
  89. VBA - A language for automating tasks in Microsoft Office applications.
  90. SAS - A software suite for advanced analytics, business intelligence, data management, and predictive analytics.
  91. jQuery - A JavaScript library for easier DOM manipulation and AJAX operations.
  92. Bootstrap - A front-end framework for rapid development of responsive web applications.
  93. WPF - A framework from Microsoft for developing desktop applications on Windows.
  94. SharePoint - A platform for collaboration and content management.
  95. UML - A standardized language for modeling software systems.
  96. BPMN - A graphical language for modeling business processes.
  97. Archimate - A language for modeling enterprise architecture.
  98. OpenSSL - A cryptographic implementation for securing internet communication.
  99. WebForms - A technology from Microsoft for developing web applications in the .NET framework.
  100. JSP - A technology for developing dynamic web pages using Java.
  101. Linq - A query technology integrated into the C# language.

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