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Systeum writes… Dive into the world of IT and HR


Termination of employment – how to turn it to your advantage?

Reading time 4 min 7.2.2023

Everyone probably shudders a little when they hear the word “termination”. Unfortunately, there have been more and more unpleasant reports on social networks and in the media recently about mass layoffs both in the Czech Republic and abroad. And so I decided to make a list of tips on what to do when you found yourself in this unfortunate situation, how to deal with it and how to turn it to your advantage.

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History of IT Guys, 1980s–2000

Reading time 5 minut 26.1.2023

The following years in the history of IT Guys are nostalgic for us, because we remember many of the things mentioned. Sometimes, we feel like old-timers. Let’s go back a few decades and recall what was going on in the IT world and how it changed and is still changing our lives to this day. The history of IT is so varied that one cannot help but wonder what the society has achieved and how quickly.

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TOP 13 online conferences in January–March 2023

Reading time 3 min 17.1.2023

Learning and sharing experience is important in any field. And as technology moves forward at lightning speed, it is important not to fall behind the times. Here are the TOP 13 global online conferences you can look forward to in the first part of this year, which you should not miss because they will be packed with experts and people who have something to say.

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History of IT Guys, 1950s–1970s

Reading time 5 min 3.1.2023

The IT industry is very diverse and has grown by leaps and bounds over the last 60 years. Since IT is our daily bread and we connect the smart minds of IT specialists with projects they like, the topic is close to our hearts. So we decided to map the history of IT professionals, look back into the past and reflect on the most important milestones that have influenced the IT sector. It was a roller coaster ride, but you can enjoy it all the more with us.

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Interview with tester Jaroslav Kubáň

Reading time 3 min 12.12.2022

Jarda has been working with us for a while now and since we know he is a leader in his field, we asked him about a few things that both beginners and more senior testers are interested in. Read how Jarda got into testing, what he thinks the ideal testing should look like, what question every tester should know the answer to before applying for testing or what his view on current trends in testing is.

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What they say about us?
Ask our colleagues…


„Systeum would do anything for its employees. It’s a great group of people that I’ve joined as a fresh graduate. Now after two years I am a self-sufficient tester on agile project.“

Jiří, Tester

„Systeum isn’t a regular company, it’s an experience. Perfect teambuiding activities, educational trainings, CHristmas gifts and bunch of benefits. As I say: Systeum for life.“

Erik, Tester

„Thanks to Systeum I have a job that really suits me and enables me to grow not only in technological stuff. It offers great benefits and what is importat, Systeum isn't only company, we are family.“

Petr, JAVA Developer

„Thanks to Systeum I managed to switch from manual testing of POS terminals to work on robotization within four years. Thank you for being here for us not only in work stuff.“

Artem, Automation Tester

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